6.12. Installation High-Level Overview - Virtual Deployment

Deploying virtually is an alternative deployment method to bare metal, where only a single bare metal Jump Host server is required to execute deployment. This deployment type is useful when physical resources are constrained, or there is a desire to deploy a temporary sandbox environment.

With virtual deployments, two deployment options are offered. The first is a standard deployment where the Jump Host server will host the undercloud VM along with any number of OPNFV overcloud control/compute nodes. This follows the same deployment workflow as baremetal, and can take between 1 to 2 hours to complete.

The second option is to use snapshot deployments. Snapshots are saved disk images of previously deployed OPNFV upstream. These snapshots are promoted daily and contain and already deployed OPNFV environment that has passed a series of tests. The advantage of the snapshot is that it deploys in less than 10 minutes. Another major advantage is that the snapshots work on both CentOS and Fedora OS. Note: Fedora support is only tested via PIP installation at this time and not via RPM.

6.12.1. Standard Deployment Overview

The virtual deployment operates almost the same way as the bare metal deployment with a few differences mainly related to power management. opnfv-deploy still deploys an undercloud VM. In addition to the undercloud VM a collection of VMs (3 control nodes + 2 compute for an HA deployment or 1 control node and 0 or more compute nodes for a Non-HA Deployment) will be defined for the target OPNFV deployment. All overcloud VMs are registered with a Virtual BMC emulator which will service power management (IPMI) commands. The overcloud VMs are still provisioned with the same disk images and configuration that baremetal would use. Using 0 nodes for a virtual deployment will automatically deploy “all-in-one” nodes which means the compute will run along side the controller in a single overcloud node. Specifying 3 control nodes will result in a highly-available service model.

To Triple-O these nodes look like they have just built and registered the same way as bare metal nodes, the main difference is the use of a libvirt driver for the power management. Finally, the default network settings file will deploy without modification. Customizations are welcome but not needed if a generic set of network settings are acceptable.

6.12.2. Snapshot Deployment Overview

Snapshot deployments use the same opnfv-deploy CLI as standard deployments. The snapshot deployment will use a cache in order to store snapshots that are downloaded from the internet at deploy time. This caching avoids re-downloading the same artifact between deployments. The snapshot deployment recreates the same network and libvirt setup as would have been provisioned by the Standard deployment, with the exception that there is no undercloud VM. The snapshot deployment will give the location of the RC file to use in order to interact with the Overcloud directly from the jump host.

Snapshots come in different topology flavors. One is able to deploy either HA (3 Control, 2 Computes, no-HA (1 Control, 2 Computes), or all-in-one (1 Control/Compute. The snapshot deployment itself is always done with the os-odl-nofeature-* scenario.

6.13. Installation Guide - Virtual Deployment

This section goes step-by-step on how to correctly install and provision the OPNFV target system to VM nodes.

6.13.1. Special Requirements for Virtual Deployments

In scenarios where advanced performance options or features are used, such as using huge pages with nova instances, DPDK, or iommu; it is required to enabled nested KVM support. This allows hardware extensions to be passed to the overcloud VMs, which will allow the overcloud compute nodes to bring up KVM guest nova instances, rather than QEMU. This also provides a great performance increase even in non-required scenarios and is recommended to be enabled.

During deployment the Apex installer will detect if nested KVM is enabled, and if not, it will attempt to enable it; while printing a warning message if it cannot. Check to make sure before deployment that Nested Virtualization is enabled in BIOS, and that the output of cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested returns “Y”. Also verify using lsmod that the kvm_intel module is loaded for x86_64 machines, and kvm_amd is loaded for AMD64 machines.

6.13.2. Install Jump Host

Follow the instructions in the Install Bare Metal Jump Host section.

6.13.3. Running opnfv-deploy for Standard Deployment

You are now ready to deploy OPNFV! opnfv-deploy has virtual deployment capability that includes all of the configuration necessary to deploy OPNFV with no modifications.

If no modifications are made to the included configurations the target environment will deploy with the following architecture:

  • 1 undercloud VM
  • The option of 3 control and 2 or more compute VMs (HA Deploy / default) or 1 control and 0 or more compute VMs (Non-HA deploy)
  • 1-5 networks: provisioning, private tenant networking, external, storage and internal API. The API, storage and tenant networking networks can be collapsed onto the provisioning network.

Follow the steps below to execute:

  1. sudo opnfv-deploy -v [ --virtual-computes n ] [ --virtual-cpus n ] [ --virtual-ram n ] -n network_settings.yaml -d deploy_settings.yaml Note it can also be useful to run the command with the --debug argument which will enable a root login on the overcloud nodes with password: ‘opnfvapex’. It is also useful in some cases to surround the deploy command with nohup. For example: nohup <deploy command> &, will allow a deployment to continue even if ssh access to the Jump Host is lost during deployment. By specifying --virtual-computes 0, the deployment will proceed as all-in-one.
  2. It will take approximately 45 minutes to an hour to stand up undercloud, define the target virtual machines, configure the deployment and execute the deployment. You will notice different outputs in your shell.
  3. When the deployment is complete the IP for the undercloud and a url for the OpenStack dashboard will be displayed

6.13.4. Running opnfv-deploy for Snapshot Deployment

Deploying snapshots requires enough disk space to cache snapshot archives, as well as store VM disk images per deployment. The snapshot cache directory can be configured at deploy time. Ensure a directory is used on a partition with enough space for about 20GB. Additionally, Apex will attempt to detect the default libvirt storage pool on the jump host. This is typically ‘/var/lib/libvirt/images’. On default CentOS installations, this path will resolve to the /root partition, which is only around 50GB. Therefore, ensure that the path for the default storage pool has enough space to hold the VM backing storage (approx 4GB per VM). Note, each Overcloud VM disk size is set to 40GB, however Libvirt grows these disks dynamically. Due to this only 4GB will show up at initial deployment, but the disk may grow from there up to 40GB.

The new arguments to deploy snapshots include:

  • –snapshot: Enables snapshot deployments
  • –snap-cache: Indicates the directory to use for caching artifacts

An example deployment command is:

In the above example, several of the Standard Deployment arguments are still used to deploy snapshots:

  • -d: Deploy settings are used to determine OpenStack version of snapshots to use as well as the topology
  • –virtual-computes - When set to 0, it indicates to Apex to use an all-in-one snapshot
  • –no-fetch - Can be used to disable fetching latest snapshot artifact from upstream and use the latest found in –snap-cache

6.13.5. Verifying the Setup - VMs

To verify the set you can follow the instructions in the Verifying the Setup section.