2. OPNFV CIRV - Sofware Delivery Validation

CIRV-SDV is an umbrella term used for collection of software validation tools. The term Software in SDV, refers to mainly two things:

  • Installer Manifests

  • Infrastructure Configuration

CIRV-SDV aims to perfom the validation of the software configuration, against the design and requirements, that are preferably defined in a unified machine-readable format. Hence, the whole project relies heavily on an implementation of PDF 2.0 defined in CNTT.

2.1. PDF 2.0

The platform description is defined in CNTT RI-1 Chapter-6. CIRV-SDV includes a JSON-based implementation of this platform description. In sdv/pdf/template, user will find the template file, which can be used to customize for their environment. Alternatively, user can use a GUI tool in sdv/pdf/site folder.

2.2. The Big Picture

The below figure summarizes the applicability of CIRV-SDV, and it role in overall cloud deployment.


2.3. CIRV-SDV Architecture

The below figure provides architecture (containerized version) of CIRV-SDV. CIRV-SDV will also include non-containerized version in future.


2.4. CIRV-SDV Control Flow

The below figure summarizes the control-flow among different components. From the below figure, user can see the importance of PDF.
