Including your Documentation¶
In your project repository¶
Add your documentation to your repository in the folder structure and according to the templates listed above. The documentation templates you will require are available in opnfvdocs/docs/templates/ repository, you should copy the relevant templates to your <repo>/docs/ directory in your repository. For instance if you want to document userguide, then your steps shall be as follows:
git clone ssh://<your_id>
cp -p opnfvdocs/docs/userguide/* <my_repo>/docs/userguide/
You should then add the relevant information to the template that will explain the documentation. When you are done writing, you can commit the documentation to the project repository.
git add .
git commit --signoff --all
git review
In OPNFVDocs Composite Documentation¶
To include your project specific documentation in the composite documentation, first identify where your project documentation should be included. Say your project userguide should figure in the ‘OPNFV Userguide’, then:
vim opnfvdocs/docs/release/userguide.introduction.rst
This opens the text editor. Identify where you want to add the userguide. If the userguide is to be added to the toctree, simply include the path to it, example:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
As Hyperlink¶
It’s pretty common to want to reference another location in the OPNFV documentation and it’s pretty easy to do with reStructuredText. This is a quick primer, more information is in the Sphinx section on Cross-referencing arbitrary locations.
Within a single document, you can reference another section simply by:
This is a reference to `The title of a section`_
Assuming that somewhere else in the same file there a is a section title something like:
The title of a section
It’s typically better to use :ref:
syntax and labels to provide
links as they work across files and are resilient to sections being
renamed. First, you need to create a label something like:
.. _a-label:
The title of a section
The underscore (_) before the label is required.
Then you can reference the section anywhere by simply doing:
This is a reference to :ref:`a-label`
This is a reference to :ref:`a section I really liked <a-label>`
When using :ref:
-style links, you don’t need a trailing
underscore (_).
Because the labels have to be unique, it usually makes sense to prefix
the labels with the project name to help share the label space, e.g.,
instead of just user-guide
Once you have made these changes you need to push the patch back to the opnfvdocs team for review and integration.
git add .
git commit --signoff --all
git review
Be sure to add the project leader of the opnfvdocs project as a reviewer of the change you just pushed in gerrit.
‘doc8’ Validation¶
It is recommended that all rst content is validated by doc8 standards. To validate your rst files using doc8, install doc8.
sudo pip install doc8
doc8 can now be used to check the rst files. Execute as,
doc8 --ignore D000,D001 <file>
Testing: Build Documentation Locally¶
Composite OPNFVDOCS documentation¶
To build whole documentation under opnfvdocs/, follow these steps:
Install virtual environment.
sudo pip install virtualenv
cd /local/repo/path/to/project
Download the OPNFVDOCS repository.
git clone
Change directory to opnfvdocs & install requirements.
cd opnfvdocs
sudo pip install -r etc/requirements.txt
Update submodules, build documentation using tox & then open using any browser.
cd opnfvdocs
git submodule update --init
tox -edocs
firefox docs/_build/html/index.html
Make sure to run tox -edocs and not just tox.
Individual project documentation¶
To test how the documentation renders in HTML, follow these steps:
Install virtual environment.
sudo pip install virtualenv
cd /local/repo/path/to/project
Download the opnfvdocs repository.
git clone
Change directory to opnfvdocs & install requirements.
cd opnfvdocs
sudo pip install -r etc/requirements.txt
Move the file to your project folder where RST files have been kept:
mv opnfvdocs/docs/ <path-to-your-folder>/
Move the static files to your project folder:
mv opnfvdocs/_static/ <path-to-your-folder>/
Build the documentation from within your project folder:
sphinx-build -b html <path-to-your-folder> <path-to-output-folder>
Your documentation shall be built as HTML inside the specified output folder directory.
Be sure to remove the, the static/ files and the output folder from the <project>/docs/. This is for testing only. Only commit the rst files and related content.